Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Long time no see

Its not that I have given up. And its not that I don't want to blog. I just feel like I have not had anything worth talking about. As of today I am sitting at 282lbs after a very food-centric vacation. There was much great food to be had. Now it is time to get back to the real world. I have another appointment with my doctor at the end of October and i would LOVE to be at 260lbs but that seems like a bit of a stretch goal (maybe). Here's to making goals and trying to stick with them!

I am thinking about doing posts about maybe meal plans, favorite recipes, total flops, exercise plans, pretty much anything. Why not!?

I will end this post with a few goals.

Number one is obviously the biggie stretch goal, to be 260lbs by the end of October.

Goal number two is to remember to pack sufficient meals

and our last goal is to start exercising!

I have lost a lot of stamina lately and I feel weaker than I ever have before. I think it is time to remedy this situation.